About Our School


Franklin Elementary School is located near the heart of historic downtown Franklin, TN. The school lies on property that was part of the Battle of Franklin during the Civil War. Although our surroundings are historic, our teaching and learning is innovative with the best research-based practices implemented in our classrooms.

We take pride in the ethnic and economic diversity that exists among our student body. Each child is valued and loved as we work as a community of learners to each reach our potential. You will be impressed as you walk into our school lobby and see the photographs of our students and displays of their artwork proudly decorating our halls. We invite you to come and visit!

We have built a safe, community atmosphere in which we care about and for each other. It is a great environment in which to grow up and become a responsible young adult.

Franklin Elementary School

1501 Figuers Drive
Franklin, TN 37064

P: 615-794-1187
F: 615-591-2800

Brag Sheet

Click flyer for information in English and Spanish.

First page of the PDF file: FESBragSheet
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