Kindergarten Kickoff

Dear Kindergarten Parents,

Welcome to Franklin Elementary!  We are so excited to have your child and you at Franklin Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year.  FES is  a wonderful school with an extremely talented faculty and staff, and I’m sure your child will thrive while in kindergarten at FES.

At FES, we continually work to accomplish our school mission: To provide excellent academic, emotional, artistic, and physical learning experiences in  a professional learning environment. 

If you have questions about your child’s education, please contact me anytime. If I’m not available,  Lauren Simpson, our Assistant Principal, will be happy to assist you.

It’s going to be a great year! Can’t wait to meet you!

Warm regards,

Dr. April Carrigan


Please acess the link below with the Welcome information for kindergarten, including signing up for screenings and phase in dates using the QR Code provided in the attached packet. 

Please use the provided QR code on this page for scheduling your screening times. Do not use the QR code attached in the Kindergarten Packet as it is not active.

Welcome To
KiNdergarten 24-25 Packet

QR Code for Screenings
Please use your camera on your phone to scan the QR code and it will direct you to the link to sign up your child.

colorful words that say Welcome to Kindergarten!

We welcome you and your child to kindergarten and look forward to beginning a partnership that will carry your child throughout his or her school journey. FSSD is committed to providing high quality experiences that will build essential knowledge and skills that lead to success. The kindergarten curriculum is designed to engage children in the learning process and provide many interactive experiences that will lead to feelings of accomplishment and a love of learning.