

It is the mission of the school counseling program at Franklin Elementary to work collaboratively with faculty/staff, students, families and community members to help meet the academic, personal/social, and career preparation needs of ALL students. It is our hope that by following the State of Tennessee counseling standards, all students will be academically prepared, well adjusted members of society, lifelong learners and productive citizens.

Guiding Principles

The following principles of the Tennessee Comprehensive School Counseling Program guide the curriculum, mission, activities and overall focus of the Franklin Elementary School counseling program.

  1. All students can achieve.
  2.  All students have dignity and worth.
  3.  All students need, deserve and must be provided a quality education.
  4. All students need, deserve and must be provided the support and guidance of caring, knowledgeable and skilled adults throughout their educational experience in order to ensure success.
  5. Quality comprehensive school counseling programs are vital to the overall success of all students, schools and communities.