
Welcome to Franklin Elementary School!

Faculty and Staff of Franklin Elementary School are committed to the following beliefs: 

  • Learning: We believe everyone is a learner and has the right to learn. All learners are challenged to meet high expectations. Learning is a life-long endeavor that is meaningful, inquiry-driven, and actively constructed through individual and social experiences.  
  • Stakeholder Expectations: We believe learning is enhanced when all students, parents, staff, and community members share responsibility in advancing the school’s mission through open and honest communication and collaboration.  
  • Policymaking: We believe the policies and decisions focus on meeting the needs of the students and represent the values and beliefs of the school community. We value stakeholder input and collaboration.  
  • Instruction: We believe effective instruction is student centered and encourages children to explore, experiment, and experience the joy of learning in a safe and nurturing environment. Instruction is differentiated to engage and challenge students while meeting their individual needs.  
  • Relationships: We believe positive, trusting relationships are necessary to build and maintain an efficient and effective learning environment. Our relationships honor diversity, respect different viewpoints, and utilize individual strengths to build a professional learning community.  
  • Assessment: We believe purposeful, ongoing assessment drives instruction and measures learning. Assessments are authentic, varied, and performance driven. 

The mission of Franklin Elementary is to provide excellent academic, emotional, artistic, and physical experiences in a professional learning environment.  

The vision of Franklin Elementary is to become a school that embraces diversity in a safe and caring environment where assessment drives instruction and students are engaged learners who develop the character traits necessary to become productive citizens. We envision a school where faculty, parents, and community members collaborate to foster excellence and success in life-long learning.  

Please refer to this handbook often to find the answers to any questions you may have and to take the opportunity to learn more about our school and parent expectations. If you cannot find the answers to your questions in this handbook, please do not hesitate to contact FES administration: Dr. April Carrigan,  Principal (carriganapr@fssd.org) or Lauren Simpson, Assistant Principal (simpsoncan@fssd.org).

Code of Conduct for Families, Volunteers, and Visitors

This code of conduct is required by Tennessee law, and aligns with the Tennessee Department of Education, the Tennessee Board of Education, and school board policies.